Organizational Realignment &
Strategic Plan Implementation

Five birds are sitting on a fence and four of them decide to jump off, how many birds are left on the fence?


There are still five birds on the fence, for deciding to jump off is not the same thing as jumping off.


Similarly, after all this data gathering, analyses and brainstorming the thorniest part is the implementation. This is where SOS comes in. We help you set your Strategic Priorities, the WIGs (Wildly Important Goals) and milestones and the corresponding strategic objectives.


And we can stay with you every step of the way, scanning the environment and reviewing your progress to determine if you need to make adjustments based on shifting landscapes, or if you need to reallocate resources to a support your strategic objectives.

Strategic Implementation Is The Key to Transformation

We can help you structure and lead discussions to keep your core message simple and consistent and to head off miscommunication about your strategy. 


We help you to derive a plan that supports execution redefined as “seizing strategic opportunities while coordinating across the company and adjusting as needed”. 

Looking Towards the Next Step

Strategic implementation may feel overwhelming, but our team of professionals is with you every step of the way.

SOS can work with and modify your existing Strategic Plan (your current plan may just need tweaking) or we can start from the beginning and create a new one.

What are your values? What is the ethos of your company? How does it affect your company culture. In Step II we will address leadership training and sustained value creation.

Are you ready to begin?

We know the importance of good business, and bringing good business to the world. Let’s get started.